понедельник, 18 июля 2016 г.

Pirates' king — Pirates’ King Mercator: The barquentine...

Pirates’ King
The barquentine Mercator was designed by the Antarctic explorer Adrien de Gerlache (1866–1934) as a training ship for the Belgian merchant fleet. She was named after Gerardus Mercator (1512–1594), Flemish cartographer. She was...


The barquentine Mercator was designed by the Antarctic explorer Adrien
de Gerlache (1866–1934) as a training ship for the Belgian merchant
fleet. She was named after Gerardus Mercator (1512–1594), Flemish
cartographer. She was built in Leith, Scotland[2] and launched in 1932.

<p>Besides being a training a ship, she was also used, mainly
before World War II, for scientific observations, or as ambassador for
Belgium on world fairs and in sailing events. This ship went through an
incredible history.

In 1961, she became a floating museum, first in Antwerp, and finally
from 1964 in the marina of Ostend, just in front of the city hall. Now
in 2013, she remained there in the heart of the city where people can go
in the ship.

Pirates’ King

Pirates' king — Pirates’ King Mercator: The barquentine...

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